

My person. I am full with love for this man. I am thrilled to wake up tomorrow and find out what happens next.


Ice "storm" in Charleston

It's terribly exciting here when the weather gets cold and we actually getting something resembling snow.  I love it! My poor husband, I must have woken up and looked out the window half a dozen times during the night. I can't help myself. What a magical treat for my strip of Charleston to look like a winter wonderland (even if it is mostly ice). Here are some chilly peppers to give you and idea of my balcony's condition.

 I hope all are staying safe and warm tonight with the ones you love.


Winter Days

How are your days spent?
I miss the activeness of the warm months but I have to admit I love the simple beauty of these cloudy cold days. My time is spent bundling up and walking Boone around the neighbourhood.  These past few days I live for these walks with my little family. Is it just more or do days like this make you crave hot tea. I do feel caged up a bit when the weather is gloomy all that seems to help is cup o tea and a spoon with my 100 pound bud.  Needless to say I am ready for the clouds and ice to break!!

Here is to cuddling the ones you love and sipping on some happiness.


Foggy Day On Folly Beach

I have so many more images from today. Some I want to save just for me and others I can't wait to show you! The beach has always been so much like magic for me. My spirit fills content and full. Tonight was perfect.



Sometimes I have to get in the car and just drive 20 minutes down the road and go back where I grew up and sit for awhile.


Kelsey and Stephen

My sweet friend Kelsey and Stephen are getting married. I was thrilled to sneak through a fence and trek in the pluff mud and spend the evening hanging out with them. Kelsey will endless make me laugh and Stephen adores this girl, and to be honest who could blame him!?